PRV Organization Links

The Organizations listed below provide support for Pressure Relief Valve Repair by offering Oversight and Guidance.

American Society of Mechanical Engineers 

ASME writes rules for the manufacture of Pressure Relief Valves including Design Requirements, Material Requirements, Operational Requirements and Installation Requirements.

National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors 

The National Board (NBBI) Pressure Relief Department certifies Pressure Relief Valve capacities, reviews ASME Certificate “V” & “UV” Holders and administers the Valve Repair (VR) Program.

Hand's-On Maintenance Training
Quality Program Consulting


Client Map / Links / Magazine Article 

Pressure Relief Valve
Pressure Relief Valve
Quality Program Consulting
& Hands-On Maintenance Training

(704) 820-8408

(704) 301-8532

We have clients across the

USA, Canada & the Caribbean.

Clients include: 

  • NASA
  • Oil Refineries
  • Pharmaceutical Facilities
  • Chemical Plants
  • Fossil & Nuclear Utilities
  • Valve Repair Shops
  • Midstream Oil & Gas
  • PRV Assemblers & Manufacturers

503 Woodlawn Street, Belmont, NC 28012

or Fax

Article on PRV Repair

by J. Alton Cox